Miss Alice Higgins Faculty Advisor Receives National Award

NOTE: The following was an announcement on page eight of the 1938 AHS annual and applies to this, the 1937 annual.  It is a tribute to Miss Alice Higgins, faculty advisor, and the students named therein that produced it.  It should also be noted that the 1937 annual was the first one published with a hard cover.


            The 1937 “Scroll of the Wolves” yearbook, a member of the National Scholastic Press Association, was awarded on November 1, 1937, a First-Class Honor Rating, Excellent.

             The National Yearbook Critical Service of the National Scholastic Press Association is conducted by the Department of Journalism of the University of Minnesota.  The object of the association is to make possible cooperative effort on the part of scholastic editors for the continual improvement of school publications so that they may better serve the cause of education and the individual institutions they represent.

             The official organ of the association is the magazine “The Scholastic Editor,” in which Algoma’s “Scroll of the Wolves” was listed in the November issue, with the mimeographed annuals receiving first-class honor rating.

             Officers of the 1937 annual staff were: editor, Ruth Nell; assistant editors, Donald Heidmann and Ruth Wawirka; business manager, Caroline Rider, with Miss A. Higgins as adviser.