Carey Baumann

Carey Baumann

"Men are like socks; they have to be changed often."
Annual Staff 4; F.H. A. 3; G.A.A. 1,2; Latin Club 1,2; Pep Club 1, 2,3,4;
Drama Club 1, 2; Chorus 1; Class Vice-President 3: Homecoming Court 4.

Carey Baumann Byrnes & friend Randy Miller


Carey Baumann Byrnes

After graduation, I attended the McConnell Airline School in Minneapolis. After graduating, I moved to Milwaukee and worked there until my marriage to Lylas Tremble in July, 1966. We then moved to Appleton and lived there for a year. Our first son was born there. In July, 1967, we moved to Honolulu where Lylas attended the University of Hawaii. In October, we had our second son. We stayed in Honolulu for one year, and then Lylas transferred to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where Lylas completed his Masters in Social Work. We moved back to Appleton in 1969, and I have lived there ever since. We had our third son in 1970. In 1970, I started working at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. In 1973, our fourth son was born, and in 1976, our fifth child, a girl, was born. In 1981, I started working at Fox Valley Surgical Associates, where I still work. I am Department Head for Reception and Medical Records. I divorced in 1982. In 1986, I married Dennis Byrne, and we divorced in 1990. All of my children live in Wisconsin, and we see each other often. I enjoy traveling, playing cards, and scrabble. Hoping to retire by the next class reunion.