EDITORS NOTE: We are forever indebted to those members of the
Algoma High School Class of 1920 who researched and recorded significant
AHS history in their annual. The annuals for all of the early years of AHS
were titled "Crescent Beach Echoes," taken, no doubt, from the beautiful
crescent beach formed by Lake Michigan that adorns the shoreline of the
City of Algoma. The following is an extract from page 60 of the 1920
annual in a section entitled "Alumni Greetings":
"Since the organization of the Algoma graded school as a three-year
high school in the year 1886, there have been graduated from the
institution 163 young men and 194 young women, making a total of 357. An
effort is being made to effect an organization of these into an Alumni
Association, which like similar organizations in other cities, will keep
up an active interest in the Alma Mater that gave them their first real
As a note of clarification, we believe the year of organization - 1886 -
was an oversight on the part of the students who researched and recorded
the information. As you will note from the list of graduates that follow,
the first AHS class graduated in the spring of 1888, meaning they had to
have been enrolled in the fall of 1885. Perhaps the students meant "school
year," which is always designated by the year of graduation. In any case,
the list of alumni of AHS that follows is a very important record of the
early graduates. We have listed them here in the order they were
originally published in the annual and most of the information will be
self-explanatory. For the female graduates, the students were kind enough
to provide their married names following their maiden names. They also
recorded the student's last known location, which will be of enormous
benefit to those who are genealogists. The students went on to say:
"Undoubtedly there are a number of mistakes in the addresses given in
spite of the pains taken in submitting the list to various individuals
most competent to know before putting it into the hands of the printer. We
trust, nevertheless, that the list will prove an interesting and valuable
directory of our old "grads."
Alumni of the Algoma High School
Marr, Hannah Mrs. J. Empey, Algoma, Wisconsin
Teweles, Lattie Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1889 |
No Class |
1890 |
No Class |
1891 |
Kwapil, Vojta, Algoma, Wisconsin
Perry, Clara M. Mrs. C. Brown, Hawthorne, New York
Perry, Lydia E. Mrs. I. Decker, Chicago, Illinois
Wulf, Evaline A. Mrs. Pennock, Sawyer, Rural Route, Wisconsin
McDonald, Fannie L. Mrs. J. W. Tooley, Oshkosh,
McDonald, Maude A. Mrs. Wm. Hay. Duluth, Minnesota
McDonald, Rufus H., Peshtigo, Wisconsin
Teweles, Clara 0. California
Youngs, Bel E. Mrs. V. Kwapil, Deceased
1893 |
No Class
1894 |
Elliot, Nellie -- Mrs. Wm. A. Hayes, Milwaukee,
Englebert, Odile Mrs. Ed. Wodsedalek, Algoma, Wisconsin
Perry, Jennie Mrs. B.0. Dodge, Washington, D. C.
Teweles, Rose Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1895 |
Klinzing, Bernard Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1896 |
Wyman, Mattie Portland, Oregon
Wyman, Henry Portland, Oregon
McCune, Charlie Lake Worth Florida
Cunnan, William Address not known
Klatt, Emil A. Algoma, Wisconsin
1897 |
Newman, Esther M. Mrs. J. L. Johns, Algoma,
Thiard, Lucy Algoma, Wisconsin
Beitling, Cora Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Smith, Walter Gillett, Wisconsin
Pohland, John Deceased
Krueger, Amelia Address not known
1898 |
Acker, Edith M. Mrs. D. Fowle, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Bates, Frank S. 5678 W. Madison St., Chicago, Illinois
Froemming, Lydia A. Mrs. Herbert Kern, Berkeley, California
Kwapil, Joseph G. Whitewater, Wisconsin
Perry, Minnie M. Hawthorne, New Jersey
Peterson, Jas, H. Douglas, North Dakota
Raduenz, Frank H. Los Angeles, California
Smith, Ellsworth C. Seymour, Wisconsin
Wilbur, Maude E. Mrs. L. Rothchild, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Wyman, Clinton E. Oregon
Youngs, Frank W. Iron River, Michigan
1899 |
Bastar, Lilibie V. Mrs. Emil Knospe, Algoma,
Heald, Ruth Mrs. W. Smith, Gillett, Wisconsin
Oakley, Edna Mrs. Frank Elliot, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Parker, Mabel Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Pflughoeft, Emma Mrs. C. Hulten, Washburn, Wisconsin
Pohland, Albert J. Iron River, Michigan
Tifft, Emory A. Gary, Indiana
1900 |
Beitling, George H. Algoma, Wisconsin
Beitling, Lillian Mrs. Jas. Hilton, Algoma, Wisconsin
Brey, Peter F. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Devine, Margaret T.T.S., Wautoma, Wisconsin
Pauly, Emile T. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ray, Lizzie D. Mrs. Magnus, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Zoerb, Albert J. Marshall, Minnesota
Zoerb, Edward T. Nebraska.
1901 |
Acker, John C. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Cameron, Susie B. Mrs. J. Fax, Scottville, Texas.
Densow, Fred C. Pullman, Washington
Elliot, E. Isabelle Mrs. D. Severence, Severence, Colorado
Murphy, Eleanor M. Mrs. G. Steinhart, Algoma, Wisconsin
Pohland, Olive C. Mrs. F. Schilling, Washington
Reinhart, Frank Toppenish, Washington
Speigelberg, Florence A. Mrs. L. LeClair, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wyman, Loretta A. Oregon (Married)
1902 |
Beiberitz, Mamie Mrs. J. Haefs, Algoma, Wisconsin
Cameron, Jennie Mrs. Ray Verhalen, Dallas, Texas.
Havens, Leola Mrs. S. Maddock, Whitestone, New York
Pohland, Flora Mrs. R. Walker, Alaska
Smith, Elsie Mrs. E. Koroted, Gillet, Wisconsin
Thiard, John Algoma, Wisconsin
1903 |
Bason, Martyn E. Iowa
Bartran, Ransof Lister Washington
Crabb, Anna Beatrice Mrs. Ed. Hill, Tarentum, Pennsylvania.
Froemming, Esther Clara Berkley, California
Meverden, Harry E. Pasadena, California
Schmeling, Herman G. Algoma, Wisconsin
Pfeil, Luevilla J. Mrs. H. Meverden, Pasadena, California
Thiard, Marie Emerence Mrs. L. Wilquet, Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Warner, Estella J. Mrs. W. Haefs, Green Bay, Wisconsin
1904 |
Bretl, Lydia Mrs. S. Kelly, Lansing, Michigan
Frank, Ethel Birchwood, Wisconsin
Gerhart, Rose Chicago, Illinois
Havens, Blanche Washington, D. C.
Krueger, Christie Algoma, Wisconsin
Morris, Cora Address not known
Perry, Lottie Los Angeles, California
Perry, Maud Hawthorne, New Jersey
Parker, Edgar Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Bay, Sadie Mrs. H. Perry, Forestville, Wisconsin
Shestock, Frank Algoma, Wisconsin
Thiard, Louise Algoma, Wisconsin
Wheeler Ella Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Zander, Henrietta Mrs. H. Ploetz, Rockford, Illinois
1905 |
Barbieaux, Charles Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Bull, Ernest Deceased.
Birdsall, Edith Mrs. Ambrose Evans, Leona, Wisconsin
Cameron, Ethel Mrs. E. Schultz, Marshall, Texas
Cole, Grace Deceased.
Culligan, Lottie Mrs. John Moreaux, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Detjen, Reinhold North Dakota
Devine, Michael Perronville, Michigan
Devine. Rose C. Perronville, Michigan
Fellows, Adolphus Deceased.
Groessl, Frank Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Fellows, Fannie Mrs. C. F. Boedecker Deceased.
Homeyer, Fred Chicago, Illinois
Meyer, Julia Detroit, Michigan
Murphy, Estella Mrs. J. Timble, Forestville, Wisconsin
Neseman, William Algoma, Wisconsin
Parker, Ione Mrs. L. Archer, Racine, Wisconsin
Perry, John Los Angeles, California
Pflughoeft, Henry Park Rapids, Minnesota
Post, Gustav Address not known
Thiard, Julia Algoma, Wisconsin
Welniak, Frank Algoma, Wisconsin
1906 |
Bie, Walter T. Green Bay, Wisconsin
Detjen, Richard Wilson, Michigan
Devine, Mable N. Perronville, Michigan
Detloff. Charles Deceased
Hilton, Eva Mrs. N. Jacobs, Sawyer, Wisconsin
Heuer, Arnold Algoma, Wisconsin
Kumm, Vernon Deceased.
Lidral, John F. Seattle, Washington
Mraz. Cyril Medford, Wisconsin
Post, Ernest Fenwood, Wisconsin
Schluessel, Ada Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Shaw, Eugene Bucyrus, Ohio
Timble, Joseph Deceased.
Ullsperger, Herman Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Vollmer, Blanche Deceased.
Zander, August Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
1907 |
Barrand, Susie Mrs. Bellwon, Laws
Bacon, Estella Mrs. L. Fuller, Chicago, Illinois
Birdsall, Clifford Algoma, Wisconsin
Capelle, Arthur Kenosha, Wisconsin
Detloff, Arthur Address not known
Devine, Mae Perronville, Michigan
Donovan, John F. New Rochelle, New York
Eppling, Helen Portland, Oregon
Gerhardt, Alice Deceased
Knudsen, Dagny Jackson, Michigan
Lohrey, Clarice Address not known
Meyer, Magdaline Portland, Oregon
Runke, Rufus Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Schluessel, Elsie Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Shaw, Coleman Algoma, Wisconsin
Strutz, Walter Chicago, Illinois
1908 |
Andre, Carl W. Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Anderegg, Gertrude Randolph, Wisconsin
Culligan, Viola Deceased.
Damas, Lou Mrs. Frank Zander, Algoma, Wisconsin
Erdman, Frank Algoma, Wisconsin
Fellows, Harry Kaukauna, Wisconsin
Haack, Leo Algoma, Wisconsin
Havens, Edna Mrs. Elmer Pedley, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Hellmer. Elinor Mrs. B. Harting, Sawyer, Wisconsin
Jerabek. Joseph Alaska, Wisconsin
Kumm, Davis Forestville, Wisconsin
Lidral. CarolineMrs. P. Gerhart, Algoma, Wisconsin
Pfeil, Mina Mrs. J. Richmond, Appleton, Wisconsin
Runke, Edith Mrs., Seattle, Washington
Salzider, Edna Mrs. Evan Thomas, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Vollmer, Ruth Mrs. R, Runke, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Zander, Frank Algoma, Wisconsin
1909 |
Blahnik, Michael Marinette, Wisconsin
Birdsall, Ray Washington, D. C.
Damas, Frieda Mrs. Geo. Detrick, Needles, California
Eppling, Fred Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Fellows, Ruth Mrs. B. Urbanek, Algoma, Wisconsin
Henry, Earl Grand Rapids, Michigan
Kelsey, Nettie Mrs. J. Donovan, New Rochelle, New York
Knudsen, Bjarne Iron River, Michigan
Kohlbeck, Leo Algoma, Wisconsin
McGowan, Milton Port Edwards, Wisconsin
Meyer, Adele Detroit, Michigan
Mouty, Leone Gillet, Wisconsin
Parsons, Elizabeth Mrs. F. Campbell, 4415 Olive St., Kansas City,
Perry, Howard Los Angeles, California
Stauber, George Chicago, Illinois
Sullivan, Lucy Alaska, Wisconsin
White Richard Osbkosh, Wisconsin
Wilbur, Myrtella Mrs. H. Lindicke, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1910 |
Anderegg, Sara Chicago, Illinois
Bacon, Maude Deceased.
Berg, Oscar Greene, North Dakota
Birdsall, Guy Washington, D. C.
Busch, Clara Mrs. L. Leischow, Algoma, Wisconsin
Busch, Luella Mrs. D. Cornam, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fellows, Charlotte Deceased.
Gericke, Walter Algoma, Wisconsin
Hendricks, Charles California.
Hendricks, Leona Mrs., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Henry. Eunice Algoma, Wisconsin
Hilton. Earl Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hunsader, Clara Algoma, Wisconsin
Kumm, Miranda Mrs. C. Olson, Iowa.
Machia, Lester Chicago, Illinois
Perry, William Algoma, Wisconsin
Salzeider, Delia Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Shaw, Ethel Mrs. G. Leischow, Forestville, Wisconsin
Utnehmer. John Green Bay, Wisconsin
Wasserbach, August Algoma, Wisconsin
1911 |
Boedecker, Marie Mrs. Gilbert Graper, Chicago,
Buhr. Leona Lincoln, Wisconsin
Culligan, Goldie Chicago, Illinois
Meverden, Alta Algoma, Wisconsin
Monfils, Fabian Lincoln, Wisconsin
Mouty, Frances Mrs. B. Hawkins, Chicago, Illinois
Novak, Agnes Forestville, Wisconsin
Perry, Ralph - Killed in action in France during WWI
Pies, Angeline Green Bay, Wisconsin
Shestock, Wenzel Algoma, Wisconsin
Strutz, Clara Mrs. Stanley Strutz, Chicago, Illinois Uberham,
Ameil--(Pictured in "Senior" section as a graduate of 1911 annual)
Wautlet, Henry Deceased.
Zehren, Mitchell Address not known
1912 |
Berg, Helen Mrs. Charles Jirtle, Clay Banks,
DeVillers, Josie Algoma, Wisconsin
Donovan, Lila Chicago, Illinois
Fax, Leone Mrs. W. Perry, Deceased. Gelling, Ruth -- Greenbusch,
Wisconsin, Listed as a
graduate in the 1913 annual
Herda, Jennie Mrs. August Wesa, Fish Creek, Wisconsin
Ihlenfeld, Haney 655 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ihlenfeld, Gladys Algoma, Wisconsin
Kemp, Clara Mrs. August Zimmerman, Rankin, Wisconsin
Leischow, Arthur Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Melchior, Martha Mrs. H. Koch, Algoma, Wisconsin
Naze. Xavier Rural Route 3, Algoma, Wisconsin
Poehls. William Algoma, Wisconsin
Ring, Florence Mrs. A. Arndt, Muscatine, Louisiana
Slaby, Frank Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wenniger, Florence Mrs. Grill, Birnamwood, Wisconsin
1913 |
Andre, Libby Mrs. F. Failey, Address not known Barrand, Robert Algoma, Wisconsin Bolt, Isabelle Mrs. H. Keppler, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Drobnik, William Algoma, Wisconsin Fabry Carl Algoma, Wisconsin Fenzl, Blaze Casco, Wisconsin Gregor, George Algoma, Wisconsin
Henry, George Algoma, Wisconsin Leinau. Bertha Mrs. E. Breece, Milwaukee, Wisconsin McGowan, Owen Algoma, Wisconsin Moegenberg, Werner Algoma, Wisconsin
Moeller, Sara Algoma, Wisconsin Mouty, Tessie Algoma, Wisconsin Perlewitz, Laura Algoma, Wisconsin Reidy, Edmund Casco, Wisconsin Welniak, Hildegarde Mrs. W. A. Fell, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
White, Katherine Algoma, Wisconsin
Wierer, Joseph Algoma, Wisconsin
Wizner, Flora Algoma, Wisconsin
1914, 1915, 1916 - Note,
We do not have these
annuals and no sources to validate these years are 100% correct, we
received the lists for these three years from the Algoma Public
Library. |
Barta, Joseph Phillipine Islands Blaha, Anna Algoma, Wisconsin Birdsall, Agnes Mrs. N, Bergstrom, Neenah, Wisconsin Blahnik, Clarence Lena, Wisconsin Buhr, Clara Casco, Wisconsin Detjen, Erwin Algoma, Wisconsin Donovan, Isabelle Chicago, Illinois Doyle, Charles Algoma, Wisconsin Fellows, Mila Appleton, Wisconsin
Groessl, Quiren Military Hospital, Chicago, Illinois Hunsader, Lawrence Shellisburg, Louisiana Larson, Guy Algoma, Wisconsin Lohrey Frank Algoma, Wisconsin
Long, Le Roy Milwaukee, Wisconsin
McLaughlin, Harold Milwaukee, Wisconsin Noel, Gustav Green Bay, Wisconsin
Peterson, Nelson Milwaukee, Wisconsin Prokash, Walter Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Reinhart, Adrian Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Shaw, Genevieve Algoma, Wisconsin Shaw, Norman Algoma, Wisconsin Shestock, Anna Algoma, Wisconsin Smith, Marjorie Menominee, Wisconsin Tietz, Carl Vinton, Louisiana
Vlies, Raphael Casco, Wisconsin
Wenniger, Cecelia Algoma, Wisconsin
1915 |
Blahnik, Albert Forestville, Wisconsin Bruemmer, Grace Algoma, Wisconsin Detjen, Gertrude Hammond, Indiana DeVillers, Philip Algoma, Wisconsin
Eichinger, Agnes Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Englebert, Evelyn Algoma, Wisconsin
Froemming, Ruth Mrs. E. Busse, Berkley, California
Hilton, Lynn Algoma, Wisconsin Horeshesky, Wenzel Oshkosh, Wisconsin Hunsader, Arthur Moriston, Wisconsin
Lohrey, Leone Algoma, Wisconsin Mouty, Gilbert Kenosha, Wisconsin Ring, Raymond Chicago, Illinois
Runke, Ora Algoma, Wisconsin Simon, Eloise Casco, Wisconsin Slaby, Leo Algoma, Wisconsin Toppe, Clarence Algoma, Wisconsin
Vandervest, Walter Casco, Wisconsin
Warner, Helen Algoma, Wisconsin Wolter, Frieda Algoma, Wisconsin
1916 |
Adamson, Verna Algoma, Wisconsin
Blahnik, Simon Forestville, Wisconsin
Cihlar, Anna Algoma, Wisconsin Densow, Laura Algoma, Wisconsin
Empey, Fyrn Algoma, Wisconsin Englebert, Lucile Algoma, Wisconsin Fellows, Charles Algoma, Wisconsin Fenske, Isabelle Algoma, Wisconsin Frenzel, Esther Mrs. R. Ronsman, Sawyer, Wisconsin Kashik, Rosabelle Algoma, Wisconsin Kumbera, George Chicago, Illinois Lidral, Tessie Algoma, Wisconsin
McDonalcl, Irvin Deceased.
Moegenburg, Linda Algoma, Wisconsin Perry, Thomas Forestville, Wisconsin Rankin, Eugene Forestville, Wisconsin Reinhart, Felicia Algoma, Wisconsin Richmond, Marie Algoma, Wisconsin
Rock, Flora, Algoma, Wisconsin (Became a teacher and spent much of her
career teaching in the one-room Irving Demonstration School on the
north side of Algoma, retiring circa 1943) Shaw, Catherine Algoma, Wisconsin
Shaw, Clara Algoma, Wisconsin Tretina, Henry Chicago, Illinois
Vogl, Verda Algoma, Wisconsin |
1917 |
Ackerman, Carl Algoma, Wisconsin
Ackerman, Vincent Algoma, Wisconsin
Berg, Esther Algoma, Wisconsin
Busch, Orrin Algoma, Wisconsin
Busse, Warren Algoma, Wisconsin
Drobnik, Horace Algoma, Wisconsin
Fellows, Frank Algoma, Wisconsin
Fellows, George Algoma, Wisconsin
Foshion, Herbert Madison, Wisconsin Fowles, Myrtle Algoma, Wisconsin
Guehlsdorf, Elfreida Jacksonport, Wisconsin
Gregor, Reinzi Algoma, Wisconsin
Henry, Ruth Algoma, Wisconsin
Ihlenfeld, Richard Rural Route 2, Pulaski, Wis.
Jirtle, Irene Algoma, Wisconsin
Koutnik, Carl Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Looze, Richard Rural Route 2, Casco, Wisconsin
McCurry, Kathleen Chicago, Illinois
McLaughIin, Jesse Algoma, Wisconsin
Meyer, Ruth Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Peronto, Fred Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Shaw, John Algoma, Wisconsin
Shillin, Josephine Algoma, Wisconsin
Waldo, Linda Mrs. W. Schmidt Deceased
Warner, Eunice Algoma, Wisconsin
Weber, Guido Algoma, Wisconsin
Welnick, Evangeline Algoma, Wisconsin
Wessel, Ella Forestville, Wisconsin
Wizner, Frances Algoma, Wisconsin
Wochos, Carrie Kewaunee, Wisconsin
1918 |
Adamson, Mable Algoma, Wisconsin Erdmann, Herbert Algoma, Wisconsin Fellows, Donald Algoma, Wisconsin Fencil, Clara Forestville, Wisconsin Gaulke, Viola Algoma, Wisconsin Hutter, Frances Algoma, Wisconsin Kashik, Joanna Algoma, Wisconsin Koss, John Algoma, Wisconsin Long, La Mertha Milwaukee, Wisconsin Massart, Charles Algoma, Wisconsin
Noel, William Casco, Wisconsin Perlewitz, Ruth Algoma, Wisconsin
Pinchart. Peter Algoma, Wisconsin Richmond, Elsie Algoma, Wisconsin
Rock, Henry Algoma, Wisconsin
Schluessel, Elmer Algoma, Wisconsin
Sibilsky, Carl Algoma, Wisconsin
1919 |
Anderson, Dora Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Barrand, Estella Algoma, Wisconsin Bruemmer, Miles Algoma, Wisconsin Collins, Laurence Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Densow, Frank Lewiston, Idaho. Densow, Gertrude Algoma, Wisconsin Englebert, Lorraine Algoma, Wisconsin
Erdmann, Raymond Algoma, Wisconsin
Fenske, Lester Algoma, Wisconsin Gilbertson, Elsie Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Guth. Alfred Pelican Lake, Wisconsin
Jirtle, Ursula Algoma, Wisconsin Kumbera, Verna Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Larson, Daniel, Carnot, Wisconsin
Larson, Raymond Carnot, Wisconsin
Lidral, Agnes Algoma, Wisconsin Lohrey, Ervin Algoma, Wisconsin
Mouty, Elizabeth Algoma, Wisconsin Moore, Crystal Forestville, Wisconsin
Plettner, Lawrence Algoma, Wisconsin
Perry, Marion Forestville, Wisconsin
Reinhart, Catherine Algoma, Wisconsin
Schaffer, Lauretta Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Seiler, Louis Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Viste, Sophia Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Weber, Clarence Forestville, Wisconsin
Woller. Hazel Forestville, Wisconsin
Wilson, Melvin Algoma, Wisconsin |